One of the project’s basic outputs is the production of digitalized Success Stories, which offer examples of good practices from successful local actions on how to increase the resilience of postal services. Partnership interviewed representatives and developed short learning videos with best practices.

The overall impact of the Success Videos will be to:

  • Increase post offices’ staff’s motivation
  • Developing new ideas
  • Inspiration
  • Learn from others’ mistakes
  • Learn how to handle difficult situations
  • Promote everyday actions for prevent climate change

The innovative character of this proposed result lies in the fact that as representatives of successful actions will motivate the target group, encourage them to change attitudes and adopt a new mindset, inspire people to become involved and encourage sustainable behaviours. Furthermore, this material is digital and easy to watch and get inspired. These videos will be able to “travel” and be presented by various stakeholders. As a result, subtitles in each video are in English language in order to make them transferable and adaptable to similar contexts that can be developed for other languages and cultures.

Finally, the “Peer-to-Peer videos” can have a worldwide resonance making a significant and long-lasting difference concerning climate actions in the European societies, while fulfilling the main aims of the GreenPosts project.

The content of the Peer-to-Peer Videos is innovative as it could be easily transferred to other EU countries as it does not entail any additional costs. Also, it is extremely useful for all the partnership’s organizations involved, as well as for other organizations which wish to take actions in local level for Climate change and environmental degradation, as it will provide the opportunity to other local authorities’ staff from urban and rural areas, which have not been involved in the pilot phase of the project to access information, to learn from others’ experiences, and be inspired.

Implemented activities

A1: Preparatory work – draft of a brief and practical research guide

A2: Developing the questionnaire for the Interviews – each partner will draft a set of questions based on the subject they will choose

A3: Development of Peer-to-Peer Success Videos – each partner interviewed and film 2-3 representatives of local post offices with a good practice. Raw video material with a full transcript were edited in order to make it easy-to watch and motivate learners. Furthermore, the video will be shared through the “Virtual Think Tank” and other communication channels.

A4: Translate and create subtitles

A5: Dissemination of the Success Stories

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