Intelectual outputs
Transnational project meeting
Multiplier events
Learning / Teaching / Training activities
Intelectual outputs
GreenPost Assessment Tool
“Implementing European Green Deal in Posts” Course
Peer to Peer Success Stories videos
Virtual Think Tank
GreenPost Assessment Tool
Recent Posts
PR1: GreenPosts Assessment ToolDecember 30, 2018/0 Comments
“Implementing European Green Deal in Posts” Course
Recent Posts
Improve your green knowledgeOctober 5, 2023/
PR2: “Implementing European Green Deal in Posts” CourseDecember 30, 2018/
Peer to Peer Success Stories videos
Recent Posts
VIDEO STORIESOctober 4, 2023/
PR3: Peer to Peer Success Stories videosSeptember 19, 2023/
Virtual Think Tank
Recent Posts
Improve your green knowledgeOctober 5, 2023/
PR4: Virtual Think TankMarch 17, 2022/
Transnational project meeting
Final conference of the GreenPosts project
The final conference of the Erasmus+ project GreenPosts was held in Larnaca, Cyprus, from October…
GreenPosts project – meeting in Athens
The third meeting of project partners was held to evaluate the results so far and…
About GreenPosts in Bulgaria
2. Transnational meeting of project partners Bulgarian Post hosted the 2nd Transnational Meeting of the…
Kick off meeting of project partners
The project plans to establish a virtual forum where the main points of the European…
Multiplier events
Multiplier event in Greece
On the 11th of October 2023, the Directorate of Training organized the National Multiplier Event…
Multiplier event in Croatia
The GreenPosts multiplier event took place on October 12th 2023 in Velika Gorica, Croatia. The…
Multiplier event in Bulgaria
The GreenPosts multiplier event in Bulgaria took place on 11th October 2023 in the capital…
Multiplier event in Cyprus
On the occasion of the closing of the European program “GreenPosts” on 11th of October…
Learning / Teaching / Training activities
VIDEO - Learning Teaching Training activity
As part of the Erasmus+ project GreenPosts, a three-day learning/training/teaching education was held from January…
Trainer education within the GreenPosts project
Croatian Post organized and moderated a three-day learning/training/teaching education held in Zagreb As part of…